The school tuckshop operates every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and provides healthy eating choices for our students. Our tuckshop is managed by our tuckshop convenor.
We rely on the support of volunteers made up of family members; mums, dads, grandparents and carers. If you are able to volunteer your precious time it would be greatly appreciated.
Please see our tuckshop menu (PDF 3030KB) for food options for orders.
Ordering and paying online using Tuckshop Online is a simple and user friendly process.
All online and over the counter orders must be placed by 8.30am.
Alternatively, writing your child's order on a paper bag large enough for your child's lunch may also be used. Clearly mark the bag with the following details:
- indicate whether the order is for morning tea or lunch (a separate bag is needed if you are ordering for both breaks)
your child's name
the order required
total amount
Orders are then placed in the class tuckshop bags and delivered by classroom monitors to the tuckshop by 9am. Morning tea may be pre-ordered or bought over the counter.
If possible, correct money is appreciated. If not, change will be taped onto the student's lunch bag.
In emergencies on Mondays and Tuesdays, an 'Emergency Morning Tea Pack' can be ordered online by 8.30am.