Learners are eligible to attend Noosa District Primary School Sports selection trials. A Noosa district team is selected to attend Sunshine Coast Regional Trials. Teams are generally in the Under 12 age division. Rugby League and Netball cater for an Under 11 and Under 12 team.
Sunshine Coast Region Representative Sports Pathways information - click here.
Schools are able to send a limited number of students to each district trial. Students must have appropriate skill and ability to take part in the sport at a representative level. As numbers are limited we may organise a trial to determine participants.
Students attending District Cross Country and Athletics carnivals are identified from school carnivals.
Noosa District School Sport will be holding trials for a range of representative sports early in Term 1.
Students must have appropriate skill and ability to take part in the sport at a representative level. As numbers are limited, we will likely organise a trial to determine participants.
Players born in 2013, 2014 and 2015 are eligible however the team selected is an Under 12 team. Netball and Rugby League also have an Under 11 division.
Please note if students are registering for multiple sports, that a new form is required for each entry.
Sports for 2025
- Golf
- Girls softball
- Boys softball
- Girls basketball
- Boys basketball
- Boys AFL
- Girls AFL
- Girls Netball 12 years
- Girls Netball 11 years
- Boys Netball 12 years
- Rugby League 12 years
- Rugby League 11 years
- Boys Soccer
- Girls Soccer
- Hockey
- Girls Touch
- Boys Touch
- Tennis
- Swimming
- Rugby Union
- Boys Cricket
- Girls Cricket
- Squash
- Girls Rubgy League
- Aquathon 12 years only